Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Pre-Filthy Carpet Removal

In these pictures the carpet looks OK. Upon closer inspection - disaster. The house had been owned by one of those "cat ladies". You know, the old woman who has 2 cats, then 8 cats, then 20 cats and then 83 cats. Cats until she dies and the cats crap and claw everything in the house. Pulling up these carpets (until I cleaned the cooktop in the kitchen) was right in there with my high-school job of plunging out the sewer lines under the Redwood City Elks Club ... but that's another story. Anyway here are the marketing pics..

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Starting to Feel Like Spring?

 Cruising the Rat Farm after dealing with stunningly stupid DMV experience. I would put them up against the worst bureaucracies in the world...