Thursday, June 05, 2008

a new bicycling experience

I have been hit by cars, yelled at (and screamed back), hit in the head by a flying fruit-bat and all sorts of other things, but today was a new one. I had just ridden to the top of La Jolla Shores Drive near the UCSD campus when I looked up to see a good-sized dog (like a Jack-Russell Terrier, I think) flying right at me. The dog wasn't running at me to bite me, but had seen me and I think jumped out of an electric car (with no doors on it) maybe to just say hello. The trouble was that the vehicle with no doors was traveling past me at about 35 miles an hour. I swerved to miss the flying canine and didn't go back to see the eventual outcome, but now I can cross off, "Swerved to Avoid Flying Dog", from my bicycling experience list.

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