Saturday, April 12, 2008

rundown for the week

Filling in the blanks for what I saw on the bike commute this week. The weather has turned a sharp bit warmer ~ makes everything better. The beaches have more people on them and Torrey Pines beach has been no exception. People doing everything; swimming, surfing, running and just laying out on the beach. No real super-highlights. Yesterday met a kid of 15 years old cranking up the Torrey grade; about the only person I can pass ;-). Spoke to him a little and told him to keep riding. The day before on the way home gave some directions to two guys, maybe mid 20's, adonis-bodies riding modified road bikes (nice ones) - they had begun riding at about 10:30 AM in Huntington Beach and were headed for the Gaslamp district. I saw them in La Jolla at about 6:30PM. Just having fun. I thought about it and at first didn't believe them. I thought Huntington Beach was too far away. After checking the map - its only 85 miles from La Jolla so - I am sure they did it. Have made a mental note to ride up there someday - although it just reminded me on how close LA is...

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