Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Monday was super warm and on tuesday morning all "bug" broke loose. Everywhere you looked (especially near the Torrey Pines Park) there were these stink bugs running all over the place. They were after one another from the looks of them and by the end of the week they had petered out.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

rundown for the week

Filling in the blanks for what I saw on the bike commute this week. The weather has turned a sharp bit warmer ~ makes everything better. The beaches have more people on them and Torrey Pines beach has been no exception. People doing everything; swimming, surfing, running and just laying out on the beach. No real super-highlights. Yesterday met a kid of 15 years old cranking up the Torrey grade; about the only person I can pass ;-). Spoke to him a little and told him to keep riding. The day before on the way home gave some directions to two guys, maybe mid 20's, adonis-bodies riding modified road bikes (nice ones) - they had begun riding at about 10:30 AM in Huntington Beach and were headed for the Gaslamp district. I saw them in La Jolla at about 6:30PM. Just having fun. I thought about it and at first didn't believe them. I thought Huntington Beach was too far away. After checking the map - its only 85 miles from La Jolla so - I am sure they did it. Have made a mental note to ride up there someday - although it just reminded me on how close LA is...

Starting to Feel Like Spring?

 Cruising the Rat Farm after dealing with stunningly stupid DMV experience. I would put them up against the worst bureaucracies in the world...