Saturday, February 02, 2008

we must get out now, no more excuses

These boys lost their father in the bombing of a popular pet market in Iraq yesterday. I don't imagine they will think kindly of the criminally misguided efforts of the Bush Administration to occupy their country to control undeveloped oil markets in the name of democracy. Yesterday's blast was particularly heart wrenching because its reporting contained so many classic elements and human miseries of this debacle. "Many children were killed in the Bird Market" ~ Probably trying to find a small window of beauty to forget the horrors of daily life which for 65 people (many children) is over now. Condi condemns, "The absolute brutality and bankruptcy" of the terrorists ~ Look in the mirror Ms. Rice. An earlier article I read this morning talked about the success of rooting out insurgent strongholds (ALL of which are Al Qaeda, NEVER anyone else?). One example was given where to begin the "rooting" 40,000 pounds of bombs were dropped in the "insurgent stronghold" in 10 minutes. Precision attack, no doubt. Women suicide bombers carried out the attack. The Iraqi police claim they were "mentally impaired". Apparently after inspecting their severed heads this was obvious. A shopkeeper who survived the blast describes one of the women as quite normal, with the chilling twist that she had been shepherding a small boy in a completely normal manner, adding, "the child had vanished and I can't forget the innocent look in his eyes" "Later, someone covered the bomber's head with an empty cardboard box of Wonder potato chips" "Its chaos" A critical observer can draw the correct conclusions despite the propaganda: Violence is "down" because the media is less able to report all but the most horrific acts, the Shia militia stopped its overt attacks, we have befriended Sunnis who will be our buddies while it serves their short-term interests and the collapsing economy at home has diverted people's attention. The sins of this Administration's idiotic forays will fall hard on all of us for generations. As my paycheck goes a shorter distance and my tax dollars go to waste and greed, I could not be more disgusted with my political leaders. Send them and their children to watch the beautiful birds and tropical fish in the Baghdad pet market.

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