Saturday, January 26, 2008

get those bikes out of the warehouse!

Torelli and Raleigh (AKA Vaca & Negro) in a corner of the warehouse ready for spur-of-the-moment blasts up the Torrey Pines grade. On my commute the other night (thank you, light & motion - ungodly good bicycle lights) from the “protected” slough (which the Coaster train runs right through, so you can’t hike in to observe the birds, but you can blast through on rails blaring and rumbling along at 90 MPH?) I heard a cacophony of frogs from near the water. I had not heard frogs like that for a long time and, apart from the fact that they are out at the coldest time of the year around here???, I think this means the water in the marsh is of good quality. When things are polluted, frogs seem to be the first to go (which I have assumed is why I never hear or see them any longer).

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