Tuesday, November 25, 2008
To be continued ....
Sunday, September 21, 2008
equinox sunday at wind an sea

Sunday, September 14, 2008
instruments of fear

Saturday, August 16, 2008
competitive american riders
I think everyone knows I ride everyday to and from work (26+ miles) up from La Jolla through Torrey Pines. I am always passed by fast riders in training and regular commuters all "spandexed up" and cranking like its the 10th stage of the Tour de France. The route that I take is a popular one for out-of-town riders - it is probably a section of some of the best and sought-after experiences in road cycling. I was noticing the other day a couple of Italians (who I had seen before) riding along at about the same pace as I do. They rode well, understood the rules of the road, and were clearly very experienced - but they didn't ride like it was an Olympic competition. They clearly enjoyed what they were doing and were getting a good workout while they took in the surroundings.
That got me to thinking that the fast-pace of most of the riders I see is because of the American notion that eveything has to be a competition and done really fast, or it isn't deemed a "proper" pursuit. Made me think of the "slow-food" and "slow-life" advocates. Things don't have to be done just to get them over with.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
a cyclist's nightmare

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
the back side of Mt. Rushmore
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
blind eye
Friday, June 27, 2008
bicycle commute ~ the beaches

Thursday, June 26, 2008
windansea dreams ....
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
salgado is still going ....

la jolla elementary fifth grade graduation
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Thursday, June 05, 2008
my friend peter unthank
a new bicycling experience
I have been hit by cars, yelled at (and screamed back), hit in the head by a flying fruit-bat and all sorts of other things, but today was a new one.
I had just ridden to the top of La Jolla Shores Drive near the UCSD campus when I looked up to see a good-sized dog (like a Jack-Russell Terrier, I think) flying right at me. The dog wasn't running at me to bite me, but had seen me and I think jumped out of an electric car (with no doors on it) maybe to just say hello. The trouble was that the vehicle with no doors was traveling past me at about 35 miles an hour. I swerved to miss the flying canine and didn't go back to see the eventual outcome, but now I can cross off, "Swerved to Avoid Flying Dog", from my bicycling experience list.
before the NYT corrected it ...
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
The Remarkable Mr. Burney
Cosmetic San Diego and the US Open
The US Open Golf Tournament is going to happen at Torrey Pines in a week or so. I ride my bike through there every day and the cosmetic changes have been dramatic. For a bunch of fat, rich white guys the city (which can't seem to fix the pothole in our neighborhood streets) have somehow:
- Repaved a good portion of the road leading up the Torrey Pines grade of the coast highway
- Repainted all of the lane markers and bicycle lanes
- Cleaned off all the nearby roads (including the bike lanes, which they never gave a crap about before)
- Pruned all of the trees along the coast highway within a quarter mile of the golf course
- Blown new ground cover on to all of the medians and roadsides
- Carved an access road between the coast highway and the eastern side of the golf course (it would have taken an act of congress and an environmental impact statement to get this done for any other reason)
- Actually manned the ranger access station to the Torrey Pines Beach parking lots and beach access - in the 6 months I have been riding the route I have never before seen a human anywhere near the structure
OK, Now the Carpet is Ripped Out
Pre-Filthy Carpet Removal

Where Have I Been?

- Moved off of Mt Soledad (no more deck views or bicycling up the mountain)
- Refinished 1,500 sq feet of beat up wood flooring at the new house
- Moved everything from a 3,600 square foot house to a 1,900 square foot house (interesting furnishing environment right now)
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Political Stupidity Juxtaposed
This past week has seen two political events/proposals that kind of represent how damned stupid politics generally gets. The first is Clinton/McCain's brilliant idea for a gas tax holiday for the summer ... why not just send everyone who votes for you $300? Why even bother to hide that there is any difference or that you are somehow not pandering?
The second is in Africa (although it has a kind of "Florida hanging chad" ring to it). Does anyone think Robert Mugabe really didn't get his ass kicked by the opposition party in Zimbabwe? It has only taken him a month to appropriately "recount" the votes, begin a campaign of rampant violence against the opposition and begin the "electoral" push for a run-off. I wonder who's gonna win?
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
rundown for the week
Filling in the blanks for what I saw on the bike commute this week. The weather has turned a sharp bit warmer ~ makes everything better.
The beaches have more people on them and Torrey Pines beach has been no exception. People doing everything; swimming, surfing, running and just laying out on the beach. No real super-highlights. Yesterday met a kid of 15 years old cranking up the Torrey grade; about the only person I can pass ;-). Spoke to him a little and told him to keep riding. The day before on the way home gave some directions to two guys, maybe mid 20's, adonis-bodies riding modified road bikes (nice ones) - they had begun riding at about 10:30 AM in Huntington Beach and were headed for the Gaslamp district. I saw them in La Jolla at about 6:30PM. Just having fun.
I thought about it and at first didn't believe them. I thought Huntington Beach was too far away. After checking the map - its only 85 miles from La Jolla so - I am sure they did it. Have made a mental note to ride up there someday - although it just reminded me on how close LA is...
Saturday, March 29, 2008
paulson seems a smart man, unlike his boss
Bush normally appoints idiots like himself as advisors.
I just read Henry Paulson's suggestions for changing the Federal Reserve System. Seems pretty smart to me.
Click for the link.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
on bicycle commuting
I am getting the route and routine of my bike commute down and wanted to comment on a certain aspect of it that came out in a discussion with friends the other evening. Specifically, it is that, when commuting on my bike, almost every day/night, I see something or someone that I would never have run into were I in a car. These are not necessarily "big" things, just experiences that make life a little more interesting. I'll use this last week as an example. I commuted on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
Tuesday I was on the road earlier than usual because I was having dinner with friends and it was light my entire return ride. About a third of the way through, near UCSD, I noticed I was cycling with a young woman who, when I asked her said she was riding home to Pacific Beach. I offered to show her the best way to go and we shared the ride for about 10 miles or so. Didn't ask her name and I'll probably see her again out on the road.
Wednesday was my usual later evening ride. At the base of Mt. Soledad, as I was heading up Muirlands Road, I could see a young woman walking down the sidewalk to my right. She perked out, "Wonderful evening isn't it?" in a friendly sing-song kind of way. I responded, "Good evening", and then it got weird. She came walking at me quickly, "Why won't you help me, Sir?" she barked. My bullshit meter went off big-time and I zipped to the other side of the road and pedaled uphill as fast as I could. She continued, "What are you doing, Sir?", to which I replied, "Riding away from a crazy woman". I finished my ride wondering what the hell I had just experienced, coming to the conclusion that spring-break LSD or X had juiced the poor girl into some kind of dementia.
Thursday, not much until very close to home when a guy ran out of his house squawking, "Dude, where did you get that light?", "You light up the whole street!". After multiple "Dude" -peppered exclamations from the guy (I think he had a couple drinks in him), I showed him my light (the "light & motion" brand headlamp that has changed my life and DOES, in fact, light up the whole street) he seemed satisfied and I pedaled up the hill.
Admittedly, differing experiences -- but all interesting and none would have happened had I been insulated in my car.
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