Sunday, December 02, 2007

why not in the right context?

I’ve been thinking a bit about drug use in the US and how all drugs seem to get lumped together. In particular opiates with hallucinogens. I no longer use any drugs, including alcohol, but there was a time when that was not the case. I have pretty much experimented with everything with the exception of heroin. My notion is how beneficial drugs like psilocybin and LSD can be in certain situations. Environments should be controlled and kept as familiar/safe as possible. I always preferred being out in the forest in the mountains (although I have tripped out at wild Halloween parties - not recommended). I guess I think it would be a good thing if everyone, at one time or another had such an experience. I learned a lot about myself and, when I was active with it, took LSD maybe once a year to clear things away. I remember thinking that it was a way of unscrambling my brain and putting the pieces back together in a slightly different, more satisfying way. Unfortunately, most such drugs are used for recreation or as a means of escape; this is absolutely true of the opiates. Anyway, nothing will come of this but it was just something I was thinking about.

Starting to Feel Like Spring?

 Cruising the Rat Farm after dealing with stunningly stupid DMV experience. I would put them up against the worst bureaucracies in the world...