Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sports that make sense

In my years on the planet there are certain sports I love to do and others that make squat-sense to me. The reasons are consistent. - I like solitary aerobic sports where you don't have to schedule places or other people. - I like sports that once you have your basic equipment, you have what you need. You don't have to buy new stuff, once you've got what you need then, except for maintenance and supplies, you're done. - Also, sports that require that you pay money each time seem stupid - downhill skiing and golf come to mind (although I do have a semi-life rule that says when I can no longer physically do anything else, I will play golf). - So, my favorites are: ROAD BIKING BODY SURFING CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING RUNNING I may find some more but these keep me going right now.

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