Friday, April 07, 2006

Crashing the Gate

I read Kos' book last weekend. It was a fun read hitting a midpoint somewhere between Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky. Definitely a book written in the blogging style. The great thing is the concepts can probably be outlined in 2 pages of bullet points for a new Democratic playbook. I still remain unconvinced that either of the established political parties can get anything meaningful done. My personal (who the F*** asked me?) opinion is that real change will only be driven by a populist progressive ("netroots"?) movement. Read A NEW THIRD PARTY which can "embrace, assimilate and extend" probably the "Democratic Wing" of the Democratic party. This is nothing more than applying Bill Gate's business philosophy to politics -- except that we wouldn't start out with an operating system monopoly.

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Starting to Feel Like Spring?

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