Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Bug with Personality

The other day, very early in the morning, a storm blew in and was really knocking stuff outside around. About 3 AM I woke up and I walked around to make sure everything seemed to be where it was supposed to be (the garbage cans had wandered out into the yard). As I went through a downstairs hallway I could see a black beetle, maybe the size of a nickel, motoring away from the front door towards me (no doubt after having the crap scared out of himself outside). I ducked into the kitchen and grabbed a paper towel to pick the bug up and take it outside. As I came back into the hallway this little guy saw me and jumped up like a little person and made this comical beeline back to the front door. I just started laughing - it was like the "keystone cops beetle" or something. I got him - and took him out the back. These things are smarter than we give them credit -- but Insecta with personality??

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