Saturday, October 15, 2005

Saturday on the South Coast

Woke early to get some miles on the bike. The stars were really prominent - I had to stand outside for a minute of two and take it all in. An easy ride with real heavy fog up Torrey Pines so I didn't blast down the hill as usual. If there was anything on the shoulder I would just plow into it so I figured I would take the extra time to check out the dudes at Scripps Pier. Not a huge break but lots of people out there. Befriended a curious dog who actually ate some of my Clif bar -- apparently he's an organic vegetarian - more likely non-discriminatory. The dog looked just like Cochrane's old dog ... wonder if he is still around. Last night watched a really interesting PBS NOVA on the brain's apparent inability to distinguish between (or maybe better put - perceiving as similar) actually doing something and watching someone do the same thing. Very cool and something to think about. Also am finishing up a remarkable book I have had for awhile, "Passion of the Western Mind" by Richard Tarnas. Impossible to describe in a small paragraph but it is essentially a synopsis of Western history from something like 500 BC until today. Stunning. I also was able to email Tarnas to thank him for the book and he actually responded. I love technology ............... J

Starting to Feel Like Spring?

 Cruising the Rat Farm after dealing with stunningly stupid DMV experience. I would put them up against the worst bureaucracies in the world...