Tuesday, August 30, 2005

What a Wonderful Country....

Headlines for the day ...... "12.7% of the US population living in poverty", and (apparently on the positive side), "the number of people in the US without health insurance remained steady at 45.8 million". If I do my calculations correctly 12.7% * 295,000,000 means that there are a little less than 37.5 million people living in poverty in the US. So..... I guess it makes sense that we have spent $194,000,000,000 on the butt-stupidest war in a futile attempt to quash the "global spread of violent extremism" whatever the hell that means. Shrub should be forced to live on $9,060 per year in a trailer in Crawford, send his daughters to Iraq and begin to pay attention to the suffering at home .... I have never been much of a participant in popular uprising but if anyone is putting a team together give me a call. Disgusted with the whole thing - Demos GIVE ME SOMEONE TO VOTE FOR !!! J

Saturday, August 20, 2005


Just lying on the deck and watched the most remarkable sunset. Reminds me how much beauty there is in such a short life .... Everett Ruess

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Getting the Route Down

The picture is of late afternoon from Mount Soledad looking west. The light on the water was impressive and changing - I think I stood outside for 45 minutes watching the light/water dance. Unrelated I finally have my bicycle commute ride nailed. I zoom down the hill into La Jolla and then stay south along the beach later moving up parallel to the major Pacific Beach thoughroughfares Grand and Garnett. I do end up on Grand as I move to the east but avoid it most of the way. If I lose my life on a bike I'm banking that it will be on Grand. Anyway I got some good video of WindanSea beach yesterday afternoon so I will try to get that up on the blog in the next couple of days.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

La Jolla Shores - Dolphins

Another video of the beach last weeked. What's kind of cool about this one is that in the beginning you can see acouple of dolphins playing in the surf. Look for their dorsal fins at the break. Also, there is some guy kayak fishing in the same frames.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A Day in the Connected Life Vortex

This is a first-ever look into the bowels of the Connected Life group at an unnamed company who shall remain anonymous unless you are color blind and have lived in a cave for the past 10 years. This is my extended family who I all miss. Even Josh ... but I wish he would shut up... and I never really got to know Russell .... and Jerald and Joe will now probably mix with the wrong people ... and Paul has body parts in his cube.

Starting to Feel Like Spring?

 Cruising the Rat Farm after dealing with stunningly stupid DMV experience. I would put them up against the worst bureaucracies in the world...