Thursday, June 30, 2005

Supposed to be my Last Day and Podcasting

How's that for two disparate topics. Later this afternoon the boys are going to have pizza and cake for my last day at Yahoo. Turns out I will be working tomorrow as well and some into the future but as the last day of the month it is kind of a line of demarcation. I loaded the iTunes podcasting software on my Powerbook and iPod. iTunes doesn't support BitTorrent so some of the podcasts that look the most interesting I can't get but I am sure that will change soon because these are some of the most advertised podcasts. It's interesting when you look at the Top Ten podcasts, Al Franken is in there and his deal is Bit Torrent I think. So what I guess this means is there are a bunch of pissed off people trying to download Franken's shows, failing, but still driving his show into the top ten. What's wrong with this picture? J

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