Monday, May 31, 2004

Memorial Day

Subtle day today, temp is exactly body temperature so not sure I am really awake. Speaking of Memorial Day, my namesake was killed during WWII. Shot down over Burma which is interesting as I have never asked my father what our planes were doing over Burma... I don't remember them as a part of the Axis powers. Anyway I'm a bit into the bourbon and cleaning the house so got to run. I just sent this address to my good friend Jon Balch (a filmmaker). If I get a response back I will at least know he read my blog - Not sure if Charlie has seen it yet. Goodbye .... A

Saturday, May 29, 2004


Charlie says Corso's the man. I've read a bit. He is the man. A gritty Snyder. A man. Tonight it's Faulkner for August, " A lot of wisdom in an acre of corn". Schemed all day in my mind how to leave my wife and young children. Must be an asshole. Had some drinks with her and it seems better.Listening to Nora Jones who calms me down. She reminds me of Phoebe Snow when I was on the prowl. Now I just want to experience life. Ed Rickett's rules. 1) Have fun;2) Have enough good food to eat 3) keep things clean; and never let rule 3 get in the way of rule 1

Thursday, May 27, 2004

My Son

Today has been a wonderful day. I spoke to my son who I have not talked to in a long time and who is really a good man. He is in college, pursuing an Arts degree, which is exactly what he should be doing and exactly what his father didn't do ..... but there is still time. I don't think anyone has even looked at my Blog, let alone commented, but no matter; maybe this is a way that he and I can share stuff that I haven't done a good job of before. Anyway, hi there Charlie.. I love you. Stay tuned as August describes what his REAL dreams are. Clues are that they involve and combine emerging technologies, the arts, a populist political upheaval and a virtual vision-quest............. A

The sky a little later .... trying to shine through but not completely Posted by Hello

Here's the office window this morning Posted by Hello

A very intricate and colorful view above the clouds over Sand Diego yesterday ... I had to record something and this seemed better than the inside of a taxi Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Mid day view through the screen Posted by Hello

August looking out the window Posted by Hello

Last weekend... Posted by Hello

Something about the potential of feet.....RUN AWAY!!!! Posted by Hello

Look what she has me doing today... Posted by Hello

Robinson Jeffers | "Natural Music" | poetry archive |

Robinson Jeffers | "Natural Music" | poetry archive | "Natural Music Robinson Jeffers The old voice of the ocean, the bird-chatter of little rivers, (Winter has given them gold for silver To stain their water and bladed green for brown to line their banks) From different throats intone one language. So I believe if we were strong enough to listen without Divisions of desire and terror To the storm of the sick nations, the rage of the hunger smitten cities, Those voices also would be found Clean as a child's; or like some girl's breathing who dances alone By the ocean-shore, dreaming of lovers. " Somehow appropriate. This was written during a time of war - it resonates today. Back to floor tile....

Friday, May 21, 2004

Taoism - Stan Rosenthal's Tao Te Ching - Translation

Taoism - Stan Rosenthal's Tao Te Ching - Translation A note to young Bush from a translation of the Tao: To master one's self, one must act without cunning. The greater the number of laws and restrictions, the poorer the people who inhabit the land. The sharper the weapons of battle and war, the greater the troubles besetting the land. The greater the cunning with which people are ruled, the stranger the things which occur in the land. The harder the rules and regulations, the greater the number of those who will steal.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

The office window today - Personally I prefer this marine inflow kind of weather, perfect temperature, nice and cool; will be sunny this afternoon. Posted by Hello

Corner of Page Mill and Foothill. Traffic is inching up with the economy; and it's supposed to be bike-to-work day (of course, I am behind the wheel of a car) - tomorrow I bike. Posted by Hello

Whadda you lookin' at? Posted by Hello

Sea of Cortez Expedition and Education Project

Sea of Cortez Expedition and Education Project Wonderful thing here - replicating Steinbeck and Rickett's trip to the Gulf of California. One of my favorite books - Steinbeck's eulogy to Rickett's in the preface to the book is worth the price of the book by itself. Better get back to work.

Starting to Feel Like Spring?

 Cruising the Rat Farm after dealing with stunningly stupid DMV experience. I would put them up against the worst bureaucracies in the world...